Natalie Matthews is the Founder of Height-Of-Fashion an online clothing label for Tall Women 5’10 and above. They are just about to hit their 4th year in business which is an incredible feat for the local brand.
We are based in Melbourne and ship worldwide; proudly to over 28 countries currently.
For more info or to check out our collections head on over to their website here.
Here we sit down with Natalie, to learn a bit more about her journey as an entrepreneur.
What inspired you to become an entrepreneur?
Being my own boss, disrupting the retail world with clothing tall women actually wanted and made them look and feel good.
Honestly I was sick and tired of crap ‘tall clothing brands’ growing up thinking they understood what I needed and wanted, they didn’t. They had no clue.TBH 20 year on, it’s evident they still don’t. At the age of 14 I vowed I would change that one day – 20 years on here we are!
How did you get started?
I started with instagram first, building a following and then eventually built an online platform and product to market to. It was building a following online as a hobby that I realised just how big the need and frustration was globally.
To be honest I am very fortunate to have a wide skill set that it was fairly straightforward to start. Understanding all areas of business including logistics, website builds and marketing really helped.
What was your biggest startup challenge? What steps did you take to overcome it? What did you learn?
I think taking the leap and starting in the first place is the hardest part. If you don’t start you never will get traction after all.
Second is navigating all of the bumps in the road and especially your expectations as a newbie to entrepreneurship. If you ask any entrepreneur they have had to pivot, change, adapt over and over and that’s part of the journey – you either love it or don’t. Those that do find a way, those that don’t often don’t survive. The biggest learning: it’s all mindset.
What is the most memorable thing you’ve done since you started your business?
Gosh there’s so many already, but being a part of Virgin Australia Melbourne Fashion Festival was up there. That was honestly an insane and incredible experience. From the pressure to put the runway together in a matter of weeks, to the incredible athletes and women part of the show and to the runway on the night, was phenomenal.
What is one book you recommend, and why?
One book!! Holy moly, that’s like asking me what my favourite Louboutin’s are!
However, I would say Start with Why by Sion Sinek is a book that will never date in bringing you back to basics as an experienced entrepreneur or as someone just starting out.
Easy to run away on a tangent in business, but always good to come back to why you started the business in the first place.
What are your top 3 favourite online apps, tools or resources and what do you love about them?
Instagram – I love the ability to create instant content and share a message and upload it immediately and reach thousands.
All the online website software – shopify, BigCommerce, WordPress etc. The ability to instantly create an online business at very little cost is honestly incredible. The accessibility and easy is definitely underutilised, baffles me why people don’t learn it or sell their services more, esp during covid.
Inshot – video editing software that allows you to cut, edit and upload with ease and instantly. A game-changer when content is king!
In terms of legacy, what is the mark you’d like to leave on the world?
Love this question. More people should ask this.
I want to help people understand their infinite power in achieving and doing anything they set their mind to. I want to help them master their mindset and create anything they want. That will most likely come in the form of another business mind you, but yeah that’s my individual purpose, meaning and legacy to this world.
In one sentence, what’s the best advice you’d give to someone just starting out on their entrepreneurial journey?
Do everything in your power to never, ever give up! Learn, pivot, adapt in any way and every way you can.
Without any question of doubt, invest in yourself, plough a ton of money into your mindset and learn more about your limiting beliefs because that is the solution to all of your business problems, no matter what level you get to!
To keep up to date with Natalie and her journey, connect with her on Instagram.