
ACCC Recalls JSHealth Vitamin Tablets due to Absence of Health Warning

The Australian Competition and Consumer Commission (ACCC) has issued an urgent recall for JSHealth Vitamins Detox + Debloat tablets. The tablets contain fennel seed extract, which may be unsafe for pregnant women or children. The bottles do not contain the appropriate labelling required to warn against consumption by these groups of people.

The recall was issued after the ACCC received reports of adverse reactions to the tablets. The reports suggested that pregnant women and children may be at risk of experiencing adverse side effects from consuming the tablets. The ACCC has requested that anyone who has purchased these tablets return them to the store of purchase for a full refund.

“Women who are pregnant, likely to become pregnant, or breastfeeding, as well as children under 12 years of age, should not take this medicine,” a statement from the ACCC read.

The product batches sold between November 2020 and October 2022, spanning the last two years, are subject to the recall.

The batch numbers affected are: B23434, B23441, B23462, B23463, B23485, B211091, B211111, B211161, B211231 and B211341.

JSHealth vitamin has been recalled from shelves due to the absence of a health warning.

The tablets were sold in pharmacies, health food stores, and online retailers across Australia.

Fennel is a herb with a long history of culinary and medicinal uses. It has been used for centuries to treat digestive issues and to promote milk production in nursing mothers. It is also used to alleviate menstrual cramps and as an antispasmodic.

However, fennel can be dangerous for pregnant women and children. Pregnant women and children should be careful when consuming fennel because it can cause an allergic reaction, including hives, swelling, and difficulty breathing.

The ACCC has advised pregnant women and children to avoid consuming JSHealth Vitamins Detox + Debloat tablets and to check the labelling of any other supplements they take. It is important to check the labels of supplements to make sure they do not contain any ingredients that might be unsafe for pregnant women or children.

If you purchased a bottle affected by the recall, you should return it to the store you bought it from and get a refund, or if you purchased online, go to https://www.danddlabelrecall.com.au/ to process the recall and receive a refund.

Juan Antonio
Juan Antonio
Juan Antonio is a writer for Auspreneur covering various issues. He is a skilled public speaker who has a strong command over languages. This Food Science major’s quest for lifelong learning includes him actively-seeking information and composing readable & credible pieces of news for dissemination.

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